Tips For Ensuring Hot Water Efficiency

Using hot water efficiently controls water and energy consumption. Water and energy conservation is good for your pocket and the environment. Below are the top tips for hot water efficiency.

Install the Right System

Water heater efficiency starts from the system choice during installation. Water heaters are available in several types with different efficiencies. For example, tankless water heaters are more efficient than tank systems since the former don't store hot water. Hot water storage is inefficient due to the temperature drop of stored water.

The make, model, and fuel type also affect efficiency. For example, energy star-rated water heaters are more efficient than systems without the rating.

Ensure Professional Installation

The water heater design and installation also affect its efficiency. For example, the installer should place the water heater in a central location that enables short connections to hot water points. Long hot water pipes force water to travel long distances and lose some of its heat.

Use Efficient Appliances

Your hot water appliances and fixtures also determine how much water the water heater produces. Choose water-efficient and energy-efficient fixtures and appliances so your water heater doesn't heat much water. For example, choose water-efficient showerheads, washing machines, and dishwashers to minimize hot water usage.

Avoid Leakages

Hot water leakages are bad for two main reasons. The leaks force your water heater to work overtime to replace the lost water. The leaks also force you to pay for the water you don't use. Causes of hot water leakage include:

  • Old water heater tanks that corrode and crack develop small holes
  • Elevated hot water pressure
  • Damaged hot water pipes, for example, due to blockages, acidity, and wear and tear
  • Faulty temperature and pressure valve

Maintain the water heater to prevent such issues. For example, you should regularly test the pressure and temperature relief valve and replace it if necessary.

Insulate the Pipes and Tank

Once the system heats water, you should be able to use the water before its temperature drops. Insulate the water heater and pipes to ensure the water temperature doesn't drop before you use it. Insulation is especially necessary for older units since water heater efficiency drops with age.

Regularly Flush the Tank

Lastly, if you have a tank system, flush it regularly to remove accumulated sediments. The sediments create an insulation buffer between the tank and the water. The buffer forces the heater to use more energy than it should to heat the water.

To learn more, contact a local water heater service.

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