How To Tell If Tree Roots Have Invaded Your Outdoor Plumbing Drains

Are there any large trees near your outdoor plumbing drains or main sewer line? If so, look out for a potential root invasion. The effects of tree root invasion aren't evident immediately—it may take some time for the roots to cause noticeable damage to your drains. However, by identifying the early signs, you can save your drain pipes from extensive damage and prevent further invasion. Below are four signs of tree root invasion in your outdoor drains.

Slow Wastewater Drainage

Slow water drainage from your toilets, sinks, and shower drains may be due to a blockage caused by invasive roots. When tree roots grow into the drains in search of water and nutrients, they block the piping and prevent the smooth flow of wastewater. The situation will be worse if you haven't cleaned your drains for a long time. The roots, together with the accumulated dirt, hair, food waste, grease, and other solid waste, can completely block the wastewater, causing it to back up in your drains. You should get rid of the invasive tree roots and repair the pipe to restore wastewater flow.

Gurgling Sinks and Toilets

Do you often hear a gurgling sound when draining water or flushing the toilet? Gurgling occurs when water is struggling to flow through the drains. If there is an obstruction from tree roots, the clog creates negative air pressure in the pipe. Instead of air flowing forward, it pushes back against the water and bubbles, causing a gurgling sound in the drains. Sometimes, the sound may be accompanied by air bubbles in the toilet water.

Soft Spots in the Yard

When tree roots break through a plumbing pipe, they cause sewer leaks. Instead of the wastewater flowing into your sewer system, it leaks into the ground. Consequently, the soil soaks up the water and becomes soft and soggy. If you notice wet or soggy spots on the ground, you have a leaking drainage pipe. A large leak can even create a sinkhole in the yard, which can be dangerous. Fix the damaged pipe to prevent sewer leaks in your backyard.

Unpleasant Drain Odors

Improper drain maintenance can cause odors to emerge from your drains. However, unpleasant odors can also occur due to invasive tree roots. Once roots break your piping, they prevent wastewater flow and trap solid waste in the piping. The solid waste forms a clog, which attracts bacteria that feed on the waste and release hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas has a foul smell of sewage and rotten eggs, and it travels up the pipe and into your home. Unpleasant sewer odors are a sign that you need to inspect your drains for blockage.

Tree roots can cause extensive damage to your outdoor plumbing drains. Contact a plumber near you to learn more.

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A Job for the Ages: Plumbers

Plumbers have been around for as long as homes have had running water. And do you know what? They'll be around for many, many more years to come. Plumbing is not a job that can easily be outsourced or done remotely. Your plumber can't exactly install your shower or fix your toilet unless they are in your actual home. Keep this in mind if you are ever looking for a job that can be done in-person. We'll share some more about plumbers on this blog, and we encourage you to read what we have to say, even if you just have a tiny interest in this field.
